Map of access to cancer treatment

The instrument seeks to improve medication request and management circuits so that patients with oncological pathology can receive treatment in an appropriate and timely manner. In addition, the minister signed the resolution for the approval of the complementary list of oncological drugs, which will increase the active ingredients by 20% and the pharmaceutical presentations by 25% compared to the previous list.

The Minister of Health of the Nation, Carla Vizzotti, presented today at the headquarters of the national health portfolio the Map of Access to Oncological Treatment, an information survey instrument that aims to improve the circuits for requesting and managing medication for patients with oncological pathology. During the meeting, the minister also signed the resolution for the approval of the complementary list of oncological drugs of the Bank of Special Drugs.

"Today we are taking a big step to be more efficient as a State," said the head of the national health portfolio about the Map of Access to Cancer Treatment, which collects general information on how to carry out the management of this type of medication in a complete way , centralized, updated and accessible to the entire universe of patients and caregivers.

Vizzotti also highlighted the enormous work of the teams that developed this tool jointly with the provinces, civil organizations and scientific societies. “It was a very complex challenge, because building consensus obviously requires more time and effort. But the final result is always much more solid and robust, with decisions based on scientific evidence that have an impact on the health of the population, are sustained over time and transcend people," he explained.

In addition, the minister stressed the importance of promoting access to strategic medicines and supplies for the specific treatment of this disease. "You have to generate all possible actions so that those people who are in a very traumatic situation in their lives can be accompanied and have the least amount of difficulties possible in their treatment," he added.

The purpose of the Cancer Treatment Access Map is for patients to be able to receive treatment adequately and in a timely manner, and to reduce delivery times with minimal or no patient participation in the process. It should be noted that until now, there was no resource that compiled this information in a complete, centralized, updated and accessible manner for patients with exclusive public coverage.

In a friendly question-and-answer format, the map contains general information on how to manage medicines and you can access the contact details of each of the jurisdictions, links to web pages, application forms in a differentiated way. For download, list of available medications, if applicable.

During the meeting, the visualization of the instrument on the website of the Ministry of Health was shared with the relevant actors involved, as well as the management progress in the matter by the Special Drugs Bank.

This is a joint effort between the Banco de Drogas Especiales (BDE) and the National Cancer Institute (INC) that had the liaison of the provincial BDE referents formally designated from the agreement held at COFESA on February 10 with the in order to determine the conditions of adhesion, cooperation and collaboration to develop joint actions between the BDE and the provinces. The information collected is intended for the general population and will be published on the website of the Ministry of Health.

"In one of the first meetings we had with civil organizations, this request for a Map of Access to Cancer Treatment arose," said the Secretary of Access to Health, Sandra Tirado, who pointed out that with the presentation of this tool in Today "this permanent dialogue and joint work that we maintain with all the referents is being strengthened and enriched."

During the meeting, Vizzotti also signed the resolution for the approval of the Complementary List of Oncological Medications of the Special Drugs Bank, whose coverage reaches more than 5,000 patients with a budget that by 2023 will reach 2,276 million pesos.

En ese marco, la subsecretaria de Medicamentos e Información Estratégica, Natalia Grinblat, manifestó que en la actualización del 2021 el Listado Complementario de Medicamentos Oncológicos contaba con 85 principios activos y 130 presentaciones, mientras que para 2022 se incrementó a 103 principios activos (contando medicación coadyuvante -esteroides, antieméticos, factores estimulantes médula ósea- y terapia específica) con 165 presentaciones (incluyendo presentaciones pediátricas). Esto representa un incremento del 20% respecto al listado vigente en principios activos y un 25% en presentaciones farmacéuticas.

Participaron de la actividad el director nacional de Medicamentos y Tecnología Sanitarias, Emiliano Melero; la directora nacional de Instituto Nacional del Cáncer, Verónica Pesce, y el coordinador del Banco de Drogas Especiales, Nicolás Chiarante. También asistieron en forma presencial y virtual el presidente de la Asociación Argentina de Oncología Clínica, Emilio Batagelj; el presidente de la Sociedad Argentina de Hematología, Juan Dupont; Alejandra Iglesias, Maria de San Martin, Sandra Cirone, Edith Grynszpancholc y asociaciones de pacientes nucleadas en “Unidos por el Cáncer”; referentes provinciales del BDE y autoridades de institutos provinciales de cáncer.

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